Synthetic Testing & Monitoring

Test and fully monitor your network

Advanced DDoS attacks detection and mitigationTalk to an expert
Network diagnosis and troubleshooting

Network diagnosis and troubleshooting

  • Identify and troubleshoot network issues.

  • Error detection that could cause service interruptions or degradations.

  • Assess how traffic is flowing through the infrastructure.

  • Investigate the packets transmitted during a DDoS attack.

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Success stories

We offer an all-in-one security platform with solutions tailored to each business's reality, enabling users to manage capabilities and functionalities in the manner best suited to their own infrastructure.

BGP event monitoring

BGP event monitoring

  • Classification of events based on severity.

  • Detect BGP hijack.

  • Monitor withdrawal and route changes.

  • Identify prefixes compliance issues.

See how


How can I analyze my network traffic?+

What happens after creating an analysis request?+

What information can I view in network analysis?+

What are the severity levels of the monitored events?+

What prefix compliance issues can I identify?+

Talk to an expert!

Discover how to boost security and observability of your company's networks